Revelation 2:8-11, 3:7-13 “Holding fast”

This week we are looking at 2 of the messages to the 7 churches from Revelation 2 and 3: Smyrna and Philadelphia. Both of these churches faced persecution for their faith, and are encouraged by Jesus to hold fast. With millions of Christians today living under threat of persecution, these messages are vitally important. As those not currently facing violent persecution for our faith, it is good for us to consider what Jesus calls the persecuted church to.

Questions for discussion and Reflection
1. Why is it important for churches who are not facing persecution to hear this message?
2. Often we are more committed to safety and comfort than to Jesus. How would our lives look different if our Commitment to Jesus was absolute?
3. Is it easy for you to believe that there are worse things than suffering and death?
4.Given that the promise of eternal fellowship with God is so wonderful, why do you think that Christians can be so tempted to give up their faith?
5. How does the gospel make a difference for those who face persecution?

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